JOHN CHIAPPONE  Gallery of Modern Art
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An Evolution of Drawing in Video

You would expect an artist to start drawing lines that are precise, mechanical, and stiff, and evolve to using spontaneous, free, flowing, beautiful lines. In my case it was just the opposite. My earlier drawings focused on line - an element of art. Now my drawings are focused on repetition - a principle of art, and the quality of the lines are secondary. The lines are the same size, thickness, and quality. They aren't a distraction, or take away from, the repetition. In a similar way, Jean-Paul Sartre felt that a beautiful writing style would take away from the content of his literature and philosophy.

In 5th grade I wondered how we could think of mathematical lines if they are not extended, and we cannot see, hear, taste, touch, smell, or even imagine mathematical lines. I wondered how a person born blind navigates the world. Do they form something like mathematical images in the mind? If color is only a perception in the mind, and it isn't really out there, what does the external world look like without color? I wondered how something like a line could be extended if it is made up of points that are not extended.

© 2021 John Chiappone