JOHN CHIAPPONE  Gallery of Modern Art
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The SASI Method
While watching the show Work of Art, I noticed that  Abdi Farah struggled with ideas. This reminded me of the history of philosophy. One philosopher after another spun a fantastical web of different visions of reality. There was no agreed upon starting point. There was no agreed upon method, and this stifled progress. Modern philosophers created a method they could agree upon. With the right method natural philosophers made huge strides, and decided to call themselves scientists.

The same thing happened in acting. Constantin Stanislavski was the first to create a system of acting, or method acting, where actors analyze their character's motives and emotions. They recall emotions or sensations their lives, and portray them in their characters.

Artists also need a method for generating ideas, so I created the SASI method for creating art. This method is simple and productive. SASI stands for Story, Articulate, Symbol, and Idea. It's a great way to come up with powerful ideas for art. There are four quick and easy steps:

Think of a true story. Your story might be something that happened to you, or happened to someone you know, or something in the news. For example I remember the first time I understood the concept of death. It changed the way I viewed the world, and raised difficult questions.

Explain why your story is important. Did it change your life? What questions does it raise? Will it make people think and see something in a new way?

List some symbols that represent your story. What important images represent your story? Think in terms of nouns; what people, places, or things represent the event?

Think of a way to put two or more symbols together into a powerful work of art. Lets take for example Abdi Farah's painting Home, 2010. It's a painterly image of a body bag. What was his story? He was upset that we were at war. Articulate why this is important. It's important because people are dying, losing their homes, and every soldier just wants to be home with their family and friends. What are some symbols he could have used. There are a lot, but he chose only two, and one is in the title. What was his idea to put this all together. He created a painting of a body bag, and called it Home. All this soldier wanted was to be home, and now he's home in a body bag.

Note: Although this is a powerful method, I sometimes skip the last two steps because I'm working from the part of the brain that is responsible for dreaming - not analytical thinking. When painting, just think about your memories of a story, or why it's important, and let the subconscious mind have full freedom to select images and symbols.

© 2020 John Chiappone